2021-2022 Executive Board

  • Alek Muro - President

    3rd Year Biochemistry Major

    “I joined BFPC because I really enjoyed working with children when I volunteered in the classroom back in high school and my family was directly affected by cancer. I think this club was able to give me an outlet where I can directly make a positive impact along with many others that have a passion to help those that are affected by cancer. “

  • Nandhini Ekambaram - Secretary

    2nd Year Physiological Science Major

    “I was amazed by BFPC's welcoming atmosphere during my freshman year and continue to appreciate the passion each person has for this organization. I immediately knew I wanted to join this collaborative environment to make a positive impact on the lives of pediatric patients.”

  • Karan Bhatt - Special Events Chair

    3rd Year Psychobiology Major

    “I joined BFPC because I have a passion for pediatrics and wish to pursue this field in the future. I feel that BFPC provides an amazing way to connect with patients and build a community to spread awareness about pediatric cancer. “

  • Alycia Hernandez - Education Chair

    3rd Year Psychobiology Major

    “I joined BFPC because I enjoyed the welcoming and friendly environment! I loved how all the members were so genuine and shared a strong passion for fulfilling BFPC's mission!”

  • Yanelli González - Social Chair

    3rd Year Biology Major

    “I joined BFPC because I wanted to learn more about how to bring awareness to pediatric cancer and help bring hope to patients and families!“

  • Mackenzie Fernandez - Campus Relations Chair

    3rd Year Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics Major

    “I joined BFPC because I love their motto of "Never letting cancer cloud the joy of being a kid." I believe that everything BFPC does, from the crafts made to the donations collected, all make a difference to those impacted by childhood cancer.”

  • Matthew Forsell - Marketing Chair

    3rd Year Psychobiology Major

    “When I was in elementary school one of my close friends was diagnosed with leukemia and fought hard for 2 years before sadly passing away. Since then I have always felt the desire to give back and help the pediatric cancer community any way I can, since no child deserves to sacrifice their childhood battling this terrible disease.”

  • Elsa Couvillon - Publicity Chair

    2nd Year Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics Major

    “I love working with kids and aspire to become a cancer researcher, so BFPC presented a perfect fit for my interests/values! I also really admired how everyone in the club was so friendly and passionate about making a difference.”

  • Maya Gollamudi - Finance Chair

    3rd Year Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology Major

    “I joined BFPC because I resonated with our mission of “Never letting cancer cloud the joy of being a kid” and really wanted the opportunity to contribute to it through participating in organizing our big events and through direct interactions with patients and their families.”

  • Gabby Potoczny - Fundraising Chair

    4th Year Neuroscience Major

    “I joined BFPC because I love spending time with kids. Everyone in BFPC is incredibly welcoming and I felt like I had found my own community at UCLA.”

  • Joy Lee - Ongoing Events Chair

    3rd Year Psychobiology Major

    “Since joining my first year, I loved BFPC's uplifting and supportive community which inspired me to pursue my interest in becoming a pediatric oncologist!”

  • Elena De Schutter - Outpatient Volunteer Coordinator

    4th Year Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics Major

    “I joined BFPC because I truly believe in the mission that we stand for. While I joined to be involved in pediatric cancer activism, I stayed because of the amazing people and the passion they clearly possess!”

  • Vanshita Gupta - Inpatient Volunteer Coordinator

    2nd Year Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Major

    “Cancer is a struggle that I’ve watched both my uncle and grandma face, and I’ve learned how important it is to take their minds off of what they are going through, even for a second. I’ve learned that the smallest interactions, the smallest instances of fun and laughter, make the biggest impact on their mental health, and so I joined BFPC because it gives me the opportunity to make this positive impact on the lives of kids who are bravely fighting cancer every day.”