Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times is a camp for pediatric cancer patients, survivors, and their family members. The camp accepts people ages 7 - 17, but survivors and family members 18 or older can apply to serve as leaders, camp counselors, and volunteer counselors. The goal of camp RMH is to provide a true camp experience for these kids. The camp also functions as a place where they can talk openly about their experience with cancer, and bond with people who have been affected by cancer. While the main purpose of the camp is for kids to have fun, it has established themselves as a safe place for the kids. In addition to the leaders, camp counselors, and volunteer counselors who help make camp RMH great, there are some pediatric oncologists and nurses at the camp to maintain a medically safe environment. Overall, camp RMH is a wonderful, safe place to bond over shared experiences, enjoy fun outdoor experience, and to make friends that will last a lifetime.